JD's Group Tution
apki apni commerce ki

From where the education begins. Since 2007.


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About Us

We have been revolutionizing the delivery of commerce education for 18 years, turning bright young brains become achievers. Having produced two Mumbai rankers in the past, we take pride in our dedication to greatness through creative teaching strategies, individualized mentoring, and a laser-like concentration on outcomes. Allow us to assist you in realizing your full potential and creating a prosperous career.

  • Master Educators

    Enthusiastic mentors with extensive knowledge of commerce.

  • Beyond the Classroom

    Sessions for career Guidence and counseling, parenting techniques, commerce pathways such as MBA, CS, and CA.

  • Community of Achievers

    An environment that feels like a family and encourages belonging and support.

Our Services

Our ServiceS

Unlock your potential with expert coaching, personalized support, and future-ready skills – your success starts here!

Customized Study Plan

Customized Study Plans

Our personalized study plans are made to meet each student's particular requirements and objectives.

Career Guidance

Career Guidance and Counseling

We assist students in making well-informed decisions on their future, for college applications or courses like CA, BAF, BMS, BBI, or B.com.

Expert Faculty

Expert Faculty

Every faculty is committed to fostering each student's potential and serves as both a mentor and an giude on the subject area.

Test Series

Test Series & Performance Analysis

The goal of our extensive test series program is to fully prepare students for competitive and board exams while also monitoring their development.

Study Material

Comprehensive Study Material

We offer thoroughly researched study materials, including as chapter summaries, formula sheets, solved examples, and practice activities.

Success Stories

Success Stories

Over the years, we have produced a number of rank holders who have performed exceptionally well on board exams and competitive tests

Call To Action Background Image

Call To Action

With 18 years of demonstrated experience and a history of turning out Mumbai's best rankers, open the doors to success.

Call To Action
What our students say

What our students say

Darshini Mehta

Darshini Mehta

I'm Darshini Mehta, I have been the student of JD'S GROUP TUTION for the past two years in junior college i.e 11th and 12th. Too many memories and too many things to cherish through out my life. The way both the sir's have taught us has been phenomenal, as if we are their own children. The everyday split tests have help us a lot to score well in out final exams.

Henil Vora

Henil Vora

Talking about JD'S class room it has a very nice ambiance and the seats are very comfortable. Coming towards the professors, I'm so so thankful to them because of them i could achieve the results that i could wish for it is because of their hard work their sweat and well coming nature i could achieve these really nice marks.

Jhanvi Joshi

Jhanvi Joshi

As a student of JD'S , I am thrilled to share my success in CBSC 12TH results under the expert guidance of Jignesh and Devang sir, i have spoken of getting an outstanding score of 96 in marketing showcasing the effectiveness of their learning methods and commitment to student excellence, which also speaks volumes about the comprehensive education provided. I will be eternally grateful to Jignesh Devang Sir for their timely support and guidance and strongly recommend JD'S GROUP TUTION to any student that is aspiring for success.

Prasham Mehta

Prasham Mehta

Hi, I'm Prasham Mehta student of JD'S GROUP TUTION , it has been an amazing journey fun filled two years with Jignesh Sir and Devang Sir . Their teaching skills are commendable and their approach is very pro active, they have treated us as their own kids and haven given the freedom to call them 24/7 if any doubts arise. Their expertise in teaching new subjects such as Book Keeping has helped in my exams. Their teachings are so good that they have helped me in not only in my 12TH std but also in my C.A.A exams.

Jenil Doshi

Jenil Doshi

Jds for me has been an amazing journey. Each of the two Sirs, Jignesh sir and Devang sir have always been supportive. I have put immense efforts towards our success. And also they have not only helped us as a Sir but also they have played a role of a mentor in our life. They have always guided us not only for the 12th board exam but also for the career guidance program held at JD's. In addition to this, the monthly test taken after each month, the end of the each month has contributed a lot towards us passing with flying colors. Thank you.